Sunday, 28 July 2013

The relevance of style guides

“How do style guides differ between print, broadcast and online journalism and why are they relevant for professionals in the industry?”

Style guides are a set of standards for the writing and design of documents, either for general use or for a specific publication, organisation or field. Otherwise known as ‘house style’, the implementation of a style guide provides uniformity in style and formatting across multiple documents. (Wikipedia. (2012). Style Guide. Available: Last accessed 30th April 2013).

“House style is the means by which a newspaper seeks to ensure that where there are permissible variants in spellings, the use of acronyms and so forth, a unified approach to these matters is adopted to help in disseminating a sense of rationality and authority in the use of language.” (Michael McNay. (2000). The Guardian Style Guide.  Available:  Last accessed 1st May 2013) They are particularly prominent and relevant within journalism and every journalist organisation will have its own specific formatting approach to distinguish itself from its competitors. When an organisation becomes synonymous for a certain style it generates a sense of familiarity and therefore leads to the public instantly associating work they have read to the organisation.

According to ‘’, a style guide is relevant and necessary for four main reasons; time savings, cost savings, consistency and professionalism. Time is saved in the sense that the style guide provides quick answers to questions that may arise during the writing process, “It streamlines the process of composition, thus significantly reducing the time required to create new documents and shortening the review cycle.” (A Written Word. The Importance of a Style Guide. Available: Last accessed 27th April 2013). They are financially beneficial because “Employees with access to their company’s style guide spend fewer hours writing, reviewing and correcting documentation. This reduces the expense of repetitive training and prevents costly mistakes.” (A Written Word. The Importance of a Style Guide. Available: Last accessed 27th April 2013). Consistency is also crucial for any media organisation and their message will be deemed a lot more reliable and trustworthy if all of their documents are of the same style. Professionalism also adds to the credibility of output, as the audience will perceive the organisation to be knowledgeable, structured and serious about their work. The two are intertwined; “Consistent style gives reporters a sense of being part of a professional team. If all reporters have a consistent approach to punctuation, word use and grammar, the publication will give readers, viewers and listeners confidence they can trust your newsroom as authoritative in all aspects of communication.” (Queensland University. Why a Style Guide? Available:  Last accessed 25th April 2013).

In a sense it is about marketing, but what makes style guides more pertinent than ever is the diversity that the digital age has brought to journalism. In the last fifteen years the industry has evolved from its print only past to include online journalism, which in turn has laid the global platform for broadcast journalism to take on new importance.  Style guides for online, print and broadcasting all have similarities as well as slight differences and it is these defining traits that will form the basis of this essay. “The style should help to imbue all media individuality and its aims are accuracy, immediacy, clarity and readability.”  (Telegraph. (2008). Telegraph Style Book: Introduction. Available: Last accessed 29th April 2013)

 As arguably the most consumed form of journalism in the 21st century, broadcasting is a great place to start deciphering the ins and outs of ‘house styles’ and their relevance to the modern industry. BBC News’ official style guide for broadcasting is evidence of the transformation that the industry has gone through. In its foreword, former BBC radio editor, Tom Fork claims; “The introduction of 24 hours news networks on radio and television means that BBC journalists do many more live two-ways than they once did. The informal conversational style used in this context is not appropriate in a prepared script. Bulletin writing demands a more formal, structured approach and more organisation.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Style guide. Available:  Page 9. Last accessed 1st May 2013.)   Journalism is a versatile profession nowadays and journalists must be adaptable as well as able to cope with the many different formats of reporting that exist. Fork continues to confirm this; “Story-telling with pictures is not the same as story-telling with words alone. Writers need to be aware of the opportunities and limitations of the medium they are working for, and adjust their style accordingly.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Style guide. Available: Page 9. Last accessed 1st May 2013.)  

The 90-page guide, available on the BBC website, is the standard blueprint that BBC broadcasters for both radio and television are expected to follow, and is an excellent source of reference for studying the unique characteristics of broadcasting, especially in comparison with other mediums. The guide claims that the ‘key’ to broadcasting is “simple thoughts, simply expressed” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:  Page 13. Last accessed 27th April 2013) and that the format should be delivered in a conversational manner. “In real life people do not say ‘former PM Margaret Thatcher’ or ‘Microsoft boss, Bill Gates’. In conversation they would always use the definite article, and so should we. Ask yourself how you would tell the story to a man on a train, and use that as your guide.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:  Page 14. Last accessed 29th April 2013).  According to the BBC, “In broadcasting the basic sentence structure, ‘Subject-Verb-Objective’ works every time.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available: Page 13. Last accessed 28th April 2013.)

The main message that the guide gets across for broadcasters is the importance of clear, concise and conversational communication, and it is a theme that runs throughout its 90-page entirety. There are five basic points that are stressed at the beginning of the document and they are crucial to the BBC’s reputation and output. It must be noted though that the BBC are unique in the sense of being impartial and license fee funded, therefore they have to apply more stringent rules in their style guide than an independent publication for example. The first bit of advice is “Do not describe a story as good, bad, shocking etc. Let the listener decide.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:  Page 13. Last accessed 27th April 2013.)  Obviously as I mentioned before, a newspaper that might have a slight political agenda or take on a story wouldn’t have to be so careful in making sure that impartiality shines through, although they would absolutely have a similar rule to protect themselves from becoming liable. The next point is “Do try to get a strong active verb in the first sentence to make an impact and keep people listening,” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:  Page 13. Last accessed 27th April 2013)  and in a sense it is a rule that relates to print journalism also, being similar to the ‘inverted pyramidal’ writing structure that writers are taught to use. Substitute the ‘listener’ for reader and you have a basic translation of the pyramidal structure for a different format of journalism, it has just been adapted but is from the same train of thought.  This is the key similarity that all three formats will unanimously share actually, the importance of putting the audience first; every style guide is truly aimed at impressing its audience and producing user-friendly output.

“Don’t start a news report with a question. The audience want to be informed, not take part in a quiz,” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available: Page 13. Last accessed 27th April 2013.)  is the next rule on the list and is a rule that applies more to broadcasting than other mediums. (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available: Page 14. Last accessed 27th April 2013). Sometimes in the right context, writing an article that begins with a question can be a useful technique in garnering instant interest from the reader. However, it doesn’t translate as well to an oratory format and can just seem a bit cheap and unprofessional. The penultimate key point is, “Don’t begin a story with ‘as expected’ or similar terminology. If your item was predictable and you have nothing new to say, why should the listener or viewer pay attention?” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available: Page 15. Last accessed 27th April 2013). This is especially crucial in broadcasting as viewers are watching for entertainment as well as informative stories. Many stories that feature in newspapers will not get a mention on the TV or radio due to time constraints or scheduling, so it is important that the stories that are chosen for broadcast are worth the audience tuning in for. The web and print are active mediums, whereas TV and radio are passive mediums. This is another reason that demonstrates just why style guides are so essential across different mediums and relevant to journalists who work in a variety of these formats. The final piece of key advice is to “be positive and direct, i.e. say ‘the plan failed’ not ‘the plan was not successful.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:  Page 15. Last accessed 27th April 2013). This also relates to what I mentioned in regards to the time constraints and oratory format that come with broadcasting. By keeping broadcasts simple and concise, the audience can follow you and understand what is happening with ease. Unlike the written word, broadcasting doesn’t give audiences the luxury of ‘re-reading’ or checking over a story, so it is vital that the message is delivered accurately and simply on the first attempt. “One should not aim at being possible to understand, but impossible to misunderstand.” (Quintilian (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:  Page 13. Last accessed 27th April 2013).

Other than these five key policies, the style guide consists of a meticulous set of rules and regulations that BBC broadcasters are expected to adhere to. Such is its depth and detail, it would be far too time consuming to analyse each section individually, but there are a few inclusions worth a mention. Being such a national institution, the BBC stresses the importance of avoiding ‘Americanisms’ in their output and there is a thorough list of words and terms that should be used. “Very many people dislike what they see as the Americanisation of Britain, and they look to the BBC to defend ‘Britishness’ in its broadest sense.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:  Page 19. Last accessed 27th April 2013). Style guides give organisations an identity as well as structure.  

The guide goes on to emphasise the importance of syntax in the broadcasting medium, highlighting the differences between active and passive subjects and significance of ‘Attribution first.’ “Identify the source of an assertion before making it, always say who before you say what they did.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:  Page 22. Last accessed 27th April 2013). There are also several guidelines that must be followed within broadcasting such as how to address people with titles,  “Getting names and positions right is very important. It damages our credibility and erodes our reputation for accuracy if we do not correctly identify the people or organisations we are talking about.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available: Page 54. Last accessed 27th April 2013).  A specific example of this, featured in the style guide, is “Do not use foreign courtesy titles such as monsieur, senor, or signorina. Use Mr, Mrs or Miss.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available: Page 55. Last accessed 27th April 2013). Arguably the most important section of the guide, in the politically correct lawsuit culture we live in, is the instructions regarding ‘sensitivity.’ The guide states, “as broadcasters you are part of the debate about what is and what is not acceptable language…. There is a general acceptance that some words, such as crippled, spastic, mongolism, idiot, retarded and mentally defective are no longer appropriate. It is also insensitive to refer to the deaf, the blind and the disabled, as if their physical condition was their one defining characteristic.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:  Page 61. Last accessed 27th April 2013).  It may appear as common knowledge but if it wasn’t documented in the style guide, there wouldn’t be official grounds to discipline or dismiss an employee who used such terms and the organisation’s reputation would be damaged. The rule is not a broadcast specific one and will apply to all forms of modern journalism.

Although both require producing copy, print and online journalism differ greatly from each other, in both format and syntax.  Print is arguably the most expressive medium for a journalist whereas writing for online is mainly about physical appearance and usability.  Jakob Nielsen, of the Nielsen Norman Group, summarises the difference in his 2008 report on writing styles for print versus web: “Print vs. Web is linear vs. non-linear. Author-driven vs. reader-driven. Storytelling vs. ruthless pursuit of actionable content. Anecdotal examples vs. comprehensive data. Sentences vs. fragments.” (Nielsen, J. (2008). Writing Style for Print Vs. Web. Available: Last accessed 20th April 2013).
Users who visit a website have done so for a specific reason and in many cases are there from the result of a search.  “Web content must be brief and get to the point quickly. Users want actionable content; they don’t want to fritter away their time on stories that are tangential to their current goals.” (Nielsen, J. (2008). Writing Style for Print Vs. Web. Available: Last accessed 20th April 2013). By having a specific style guide for online writing, an organisation can ensure that its websites will be user friendly and offer the ‘actionable content’ that its audience desire.  Yahoo’s online style guide is evidence of the technicalities and techniques that are required in effectively translating copy onto the web. “Online reading is an experience that’s different from reading text in print and a big part of that difference is physical.  For most people, online reading takes longer. A computer screen displays text at a lower resolution, with less detail and sharpness than a printed page, so letters are fuzzier. Many people feel that their eyes tire faster reading on a screen than on paper.” (Yahoo. (2010). Shaping your text for online reading. Available: Last accessed 23rd April 2013). The physical reasons behind it are a key factor and articles on a website will rarely exceed 800 words, whereas newspaper stories can often surpass 1,000. Headlines for an online story have to take into account search engine optimisation and the use of key words, whereas a print headline can say whatever it wants to entice the reader in. The Telegraph provide a good example of the distinctions between the two; “As a headline, ‘Brown will let Darling swing in the wind’, is fine for the newspapers, online it would be better rendered as ‘Gordon Brown shuns Alistair Darling after budget row’.” (The Telegraph. (2008). Telegraph Style Guide. Available:  Last accessed 25th April 2013). As you can see, the newspaper example has more of a prose about it whereas the online version is concise and informative. This is due to the importance of keywords and optimising your content through search engines. Organisations want web users to be able to find exactly what they are looking for, and the style guide ensures just that.

It is clear to see, especially in the digital world we live in, just how relevant style guides are across all three formats. Writing for print seems to be the most lenient medium in the sense that a journalist can adhere to a style guide whilst still expressing themselves. “In print, you can spice up linear narrative with anecdotes and individual examples that support a storytelling approach to exposition. Print’s narrative exposition calls for well-crafted, complete sentences.” (Nielsen, J. (2008). Writing Style for Print Vs. Web. Available: Last accessed 20th April 2013). However, using the Guardian’s style guide as an example, there are of course limitations and certain rules that a print journalist must follow.  The 362 document consists of a detailed alphabetical list of words, phrases etc. that Guardian journalists must use when writing for the paper. The majority of advice surrounds common ‘confusables’ and misconceptions; “tax avoidance is legal; tax evasion is illegal,’ ‘lay off does not mean to sack or make redundant, but to send workers home on part pay because of a temporary lack of demand for their product.” (Marsh, D. (2007). Guardian Style. Available: Page 168 & 285. Last accessed 27th April 2013). Similar to broadcasting and online, the list also includes details on how to avoid libeling yourself or organisation.

In summary I would say that style guides are now more relevant than ever within journalism for a variety of reasons. From researching the three different mediums, one thing is clear, and that is that style guides allow organisations to optimise their output. Broadcast journalism is the most unique in its own right purely for the fact it is constructed for the ear, and a style guide is absolutely necessary for the information to be received as intended.  “Some journalists assume that newspaper English is the language of all journalism. It is not. Broadcast journalism, written for the ear, requires a different approach. Writing has to be simpler, clearer, and more natural.” (Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available Page 23. Last accessed 27th April 2013). Style guides are relevant in online journalism as “web content must be brief and get to the point quickly. Instead of a predefined narrative, websites must support the user’s personal story by condensing and combining vast stores of information into something that specifically meets the user’s immediate needs.” (Nielsen, J. (2008). Writing Style for Print Vs. Web. Available: Last accessed 20th April 2013).  It is a user-driven narrative and by having a style guide, an organisation can ensure that their output is consistent, and is under their control. Being the most traditional format, print style guides haven’t had to adapt as dramatically as online and broadcast guides to the modern journalistic landscape.  Excluding terminology and sensitivity issues, the writing style for print has remained fairly consistent for many decades and it could be argued it is for the emergence of online and broadcast journalism that print styling has come more under the spotlight. Overall a style guide provides consistency, reduces the workload of the journalist, adds professionalism, and above all ensures that output can be distributed and optimised in exactly the way an organisation intended.

“To write a genuine, familiar or truly English style is to write as anyone would speak in common conversation who had a thorough command or choice of words or who could discourse with ease, force and perspicuity, setting aside all pedantic and oratorical flourishes.” (Hazlitt. (2009). The Economist: Style Guide. Available:  Last accessed 27th April 2013).


[1] Wikipedia. (2012). Style Guide. Available:
. Last accessed 30th April 2013.

[2] Michael McNay. (2000). The GuardianStyleGuide. 
. Last accessed 1st May 2013.

[3]  A Written Word. The Importance of a Style Guide. Available:
Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[4] Queensland University. Why a Style Guide? Available:
Last accessed 25th April 2013.

[5]  Telegraph. (2008). Telegraph Style Book: Introduction. Available:
Last accessed 29th April 2013.

[6] Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide.Available:
Page 9. Last accessed 1st May 2013.  

[7]  Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:
Page 13. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

 [8]  Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:
Page 14. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[9]  Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:
Page 15. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[10] Quintilian (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:
Page 13. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[11]  Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:
Page 19. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[12]  Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:
Page 22. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[13] Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:
Page 54. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[14]  Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:
Page 55. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[15]  Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available:
Page 61. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[16]  Nielsen, J. (2008). Writing Style for Print Vs. Web. Available:
Last accessed 20th April 2013.

[17]  Yahoo. (2010). Shaping your text for online reading. Available:
Last accessed 23rd April 2013.

[18]  The Telegraph. (2008). Telegraph Style Guide. Available:
Last accessed 25th April 2013.

[19]  Marsh, D. (2007). Guardian Style. Available:
Page 168& 285. Last accessed 27th April 2013.

[20]  Allen, J. (2003). BBC News Styleguide. Available Page 23. Last accessed 27th April 2013.:

[21]    Hazlitt. (2009). The Economist: Style Guide. Available:
Last accessed 27th April 2013.

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