Sunday, 28 July 2013

PR: The essence of celebrity in everyday culture

“…the celebrity is a production of the dominant culture. It is produced by a commodity system of cultural production and is produced with the intention of leading and or representing. Nevertheless the celebrity’s meaning is constructed by the audience; an exact ideological fit between production and consumption is rare”. Marshall, P.D 2006. Celebrity and Power, p47, University of Minnesota Press.

The term ‘celebrity’ is now unavoidable, our media is consumed by celebrity culture, and its credibility and meaning have somewhat diminished over the past generation as a result.  ‘Celebrity’ derived from the French word, célèbre, meaning ‘well known public’ and this essay will be critically evaluating the cultural role that celebrities play specifically within a public relations context and how their status was achieved. Analysing past incidences where celebrities have been used in consumer PR programmes, the reasons they were chosen and the final outcomes of those programmes should give insight into deciphering whether Marshall’s claim is valid or not. ‘PR activities are part of the management of communication between an organisation and its publics’ (Grunig p7-8). Is the celebrity the dominant figure or are they merely the product of the public?

Moreno states in ‘Celebrity’ (1978), that it is not as black and white as this and divides celebrities up into three sub-groups; heroes, stars and quasars. He claims that there are ‘hero’ celebrities such as astronauts, sportsmen etc. who are the most respected of the three; a prime example being Neil Armstrong, who is seen as an ‘All-American hero’ in the USA. Celebrities as stars are celebrities whose personas are so strong that they overshadow any role they play, for example Tom Cruise is received by the public as Tom Cruise, no matter what acting role he may be playing. The final group is the quasar celebrities and it is a group that the modern media landscape is filled with. Quasar celebrities are those who are driven by publicity, e.g. reality TV stars and usually have a quick burn out, with rapid rise and fall in interest. Shows such as ‘TOWIE’ and ‘Geordie Shore’ are good examples of this type of celebrity.

‘Grunig’s Situational Theory of Publics’ (1984) is the typical blueprint that organisations adhere to in developing PR campaigns, and it is primarily this theory that we shall be analysing the example campaigns in line with. It is considered academically as some of Grunig’s finest work and its general purpose is to identify the publics that would be actively interested in an organisation’s campaign. By focusing on prioritising target audiences that would be interested in a said campaign, the likelihood of its success is bound to increase; it’s all about detailed analytical preparation. Rather than the norm of checking an audience through marketing analytics such as demographics, lifestyle etc., Grunig’s method poses the question; are they ready to receive the communication from the organisation? You can have the greatest product in the world but unless the messages are clear and being heard by the right people, you’re likely to fail.

According to Grunig there are three main publics for an organisation to consider in consumer PR; latent, active and aware. ‘Latent’ publics are the audience that are unaware of a particular product or service, whether it be because of financial restraints or otherwise, and do not pick up new PR and marketing campaigns automatically within their lifestyle. For example those who are obese wouldn’t pick up on social marketing messaging about healthy eating despite the information actually being beneficial to them. The ‘aware’ public is the group who recognise that there is a campaign but do not act on it. A good example in the commercial sense would be someone who recognises that they need a new laptop and is aware of a PC world sale but has still not acted on solving their problem.  ‘Active’ publics are those who are most receptive to an organisation’s messages and will clearly see the benefits of the new product or service, Apple are good example of how active publics can provide great success. When you build up a loyal fan base, your audience is going to seek out more information and be actively interested in what else you have to offer.

With thorough, detailed research and innovative strategies behind them, a celebrity can be the catalyst for a successful campaign; so much so that they can shift latent publics to become aware and often active publics. Take for example the recent TV campaign promoting awareness around CPR and heart attacks fronted by Vinnie Jones. At first glance it seems a bizarre choice but the research by the British Heart Foundation was spot on; the demographic most at risk from heart attacks are the working class and by using a ‘working class to Hollywood’ figurehead to spear the campaign, the organisation were making a once latent public, aware. It is crucial that the audience can relate to the celebrity as it will provide credibility to the campaign and mean that its messages will resonate with its publics. The British Heart Foundation campaign was obviously a non-profit health awareness scheme but there is evidence of campaigns that have reached new publics and increased profits as a result.

One of the most famous athletes in the world is Tiger Woods and when he burst onto the golf scene in the 90’s he revolutionised the image and global perception of his sport. Golf had been stereotyped as a game for wealthy, middle class white businessmen, and some people would argue that it still is, but when a young African American won every major trophy going, the sport reached a whole new audience. Sports magnates Nike recognised this and offered Woods a multi-million contract in 1996 to be their figurehead. The first four years saw Nike receive a $50million revenue growth with annual sales totaling a quarter of a billion and Woods was offered a new five-year contract in 2000 worth $125million. Because of Tiger’s iconic status and the demographics that he reached, Nike’s products sold like never before and this is evidence of latent publics becoming active on the back of a relatable celebrity figure being used. “Advertisers think that a popular and respected celebrity can affect consumers feelings and their purchase behavior, and celebrities can influence the consumers persuasion of the product according to the image of it”, (Belch & Belch, 2001).

As I have touched on earlier, choosing the right celebrity is crucial; there has to be a relation between the celebrity and the brand, a celebrity alone doesn’t guarantee success so in that sense the audience are definitely in control.   Famous punk icons such as Johnny ‘Rotten’ Lydon, of Sex Pistols fame, and Iggy Pop have recently advertised ‘Country-life Butter’ and ‘Swiftcover’ car insurance. These campaigns came under scrutiny as they lacked any integrity and the stars themselves were also barraged for ‘selling out’; how can two punk rockers famous for anti-establishmentarianism be selling such safe and dull products? There was even further embarrassment for Iggy Pop and Swiftcover as the adverts were banned when it was found that musicians couldn’t actually have a policy with the company. The tag of the whole campaign was Iggy saying ‘I insure through Swiftcover, why don’t you?’ which was obviously misleading as he is a musician himself; talk about a public relations own goal! The audience’s perceptions of the celebrities were different to the organisation’s perceptions of them and therefore there was a conflict of interest, there has to be alignment. On the other hand one could argue that there is no such thing as bad publicity, and that the controversy these campaigns generated could have actually helped the brands become memorable for the consumer. The names ‘Countrylife’ and ‘Swiftcover’ were therefore at the forefront of the public’s mind and ergo stood out in a crowded marketplace.  ‘Endorsement can take attention of consumers in the markets where motivation to choose between the products is difficult and low’ (Fill, 2005). It is a good point that Fill makes here but you have to be careful that the celebrity figure doesn’t in fact overshadow the campaign and detract from what the product is all about, creating confusion; ‘Another problem is the overshadowing of the brand which means that consumers may only give attention to the celebrity and fail to realise the brand’, (Belch & Belch 2001; Gellene 1998). A good example of this occurring was Virgin Media’s recent broadband campaign starring Usain Bolt. As it was during the Olympics, Virgin thought that Bolt was the biggest star in the world at the time, and although they were right , his image was synonymous with event and people were actually unsure of what he was actually selling.

According to Pickton & Broderick (2005), there are three main components that a brand must consider when choosing a credible celebrity candidate; attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise. The examples that I have aforementioned seem to back this statement up. The successful ones such as Tiger Woods were attractive to consumers and credible, as they were deemed honest, reliable and relatable to. People want to use the same clubs as Tiger because they feel he has the expertise and that they make him play so well whereas why would anybody take advice on butter from Johnny Lydon, someone who has never been associated with the product he is marketing.

Identifying the different types of publics is all well and good, but is futile unless the messages presented to them are pertinent. Grunig knew this and his ‘four part model of communication’ is just that guideline, documenting all sorts of communication that occurs during a campaign and the pros and cons of each of the four different methods.

The first step of the model is communication through press agencies and publicists and it is a one-way system from source to receiver with the organisation outputting the information to the media and press. The purpose of this form of communication is similar to propaganda, even though that is a term that the organisation would personally never use to describe it, and its purpose is to persuade and manipulate the audience into behaving as the company desires. Although no lies would be told, some of the truth would be withheld, as it were, and little research would be required with the press and publicists colluding together.

It is a method regularly used in campaigns nowadays, and an example would involve a celebrities’ publicist having a pre-arranged agreement with a newspaper to have their client photographed at a certain location or a doing a certain deed. The idea would be that it can influence a public’s perception of the celebrity, for example a celebrity seen at a charity event would come across as a generous character and their reputation would be boosted. There have however been critics of the model, arguing that in this day and age the consumers are wiser than ever and can see through false attempts to amass their approval; and organisations are now shrewder, taking every possible measure to prevent this occurring.

The second step of the model, and the last one way communicative method, is the public information stage.  Similar to the press agency and publicity stage mentioned above, this step is a simple source to receiver communication with the main difference being the emphasis on the whole truth’s importance. Press releases are a key component of the method and journalists are often crucial with the main purpose being the dissemination of information. Little research is required but organisations must look at the readership of the selected publications that they have chosen and decipher whether they are giving their message out to the correct publics.

Good examples of this are the regular supermarket adverts that you see appearing on television and in the press. When ASDA based their marketing around their cheap prices and publicly broadcast the cost difference between themselves and competitors such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrison’s, it sparked a battle for the audience’s attention. ASDA were just being completely truthful by publishing the exact price differences between them and their competitors. Tesco responded by dropping their prices and taking on rivals ASDA at their own game, but chains such as Morrison’s couldn’t financially cut their prices, as they were more about quality of product. They came up with the idea of having celebrities to gain them the exposure and therefore an advantage over ASDA and Tesco with a more memorable campaign. ‘Take That’ were the spearheads of the initial TV campaign, which generated a lot of exposure and interest as it coincided with their big comeback. On the back of its success Morrison’s signed up many more celebrity figures such as Denise Van Outen and Freddie Flintoff and posted impressive sales.

The next step is the first two-way communicative method of the model and is known as ‘two way asymmetric’ messaging. As with the first step of the model, the purpose of the asymmetric method is to influence an audience into buying into an organisation’s brand, but with feedback taken into account. Grunig describes it as ‘scientific persuasion’ with formative research carried out into evaluating public’s attitudes. The model is imbalanced, as rather than try and change themselves, the organisations cleverly alter the public’s attitude towards them, saving considerable amounts of money and also retaining their company ethos. If a company makes a dramatic change to the way they operate it can often be detrimental to their reputation as it is almost an admission that they were wrong before and can be perceived as indecisive.

As the four-part model was written in 1984, social media wasn’t even considered, but out of all the parts I would say that it fits the asymmetric method best. The whole purpose of the method is to bring the consumer to you and Twitter is a fantastic example of how this is now easier than ever for brands and celebrities. Take Wayne Rooney for example, after he had a number of controversial, damning stories printed in the press, the footballer set up a personal Twitter account to give a direct personal image of himself that hadn’t been tampered with by media spin. He has over 5 million followers and has been able to really show his fans just what he is like off the pitch and dispel some stereotypes that had been put in people’s minds from what they have read in the press. The consumers are going to the ‘brand’ directly as they are choosing to follow Rooney and they can message him themselves and give feedback, adding the two-way dimension.

The final step to the model is ‘two way symmetric communication’ and it a method that relies on honest and open two-way communication and mutual give and take between organisation and consumer, rather than the persuasive element that the asymmetric method entails. It is all about creating a mutually beneficial relationship between audience and organisation and is about creating a compromise; ‘It creates an equality of exchange’ (Theaker 2004, p16). This is the main difference between asymmetric and symmetric communication, the former aims to change consumers only, whereas the latter reaches a compromise, with the organisation and the consumer’s attitudes being altered to meet in the middle. It is however the most ‘idealist’ of all of the methods and rarely comes to pass successfully in reality, it had attracted criticism from other academics for this reason, even though Grunig himself described the work as ‘abstractions of reality’.  It is however a very popular technique employed by non-profit organisations.

Although rare there is one good example of a long lasting symmetric campaign that still runs to this day; David Beckham’s partnership with Adidas, especially with the Adidas ‘Predator’ football boots.  It is a campaign in which the audience’s perception of Beckham matched that of the organisation’s view. ‘Brand Beckham’ holds incredible power and familiarity, which is part of its success; he is seen as a family man who has worked hard for his status and a nice relatable guy for many. He has a contract with the German sports giants worth over $125million and is definitely a celebrity who is not a product of the audience but has earned his status, he is a ‘working class hero’.  His incredible reach means that he builds a relationship with Adidas consumers and this fits in with another of Grunig’s theories; ‘The Excellence Theory’.

Grunig’s excellence theory states that celebrities are used to ‘create an impression in the mind of the public that allow the organisation to buffer itself from its environment.’  It is known as ‘the symbolic, interpretative paradigm’ and is all about building a relationship between public and celebrity away from the brand itself and if achieved, can be phenomenally successful. Beckham has become synonymous with Adidas now and both are rarely thought about without the other popping into mind. This is the ‘Holy Grail’ in marketing for an organisation as their hard work is mostly done and the long-term effect is implicated. This is of course unless the celebrity is exposed in an unrecoverable, negative manner as we saw happen with the Tiger Woods scandal in 2008 and the Wayne Rooney cheating affair in 2010. Rooney was dropped as the image of Coca-Cola and the video game FIFA as he had failed his duties as a public role model and it reflected badly on the organisations. Although still with Nike, Wood’s contract terms were reduced and he lost several other endorsements including Gillette and Rolex at a cost of millions of dollars.

In the incredibly interactive media landscape that exists today, I think that a celebrity’s success is more and more dependent on the audience than it ever has been before. The internet and emergence of reality TV has led to vast amounts of feedback and judgment on a celebrity and people’s opinions can be the decision between a successful career or an unsuccessful one for a celebrity. In days gone by, celebrity’s were undoubtedly products of the dominant culture as they had to have talent and something that set them aside, and were therefore sculpted into perfect image for the audience to see. Although these types of figures exist still to this day there are less and less of them and we as the audience decipher their success. As I have mentioned earlier, you can have the most famous, popular celebrity on earth but if they are sending out the wrong message and promoting a product that doesn’t align with their image, you’re going to fail. For that reason I would say that the audience are now the most important part of the celebrity culture, holding the majority of the cards.  ‘We the public will either want to believe what we see, or find out for ourselves if our scepticism can be proven correct, which is why this model still works in 21st century’ (Grunig 1984).


Grunig, J, ‘Paradigms of global public relations in an age of digitalization’, Prism, vol. 6, no. 2, pp1-19, 2009

Belch, E.G. & Belch, A.M. 2001, Advertising and Promotion, 5th edn, McGraw Hill Irwin, New York, 177-179 p 

Grunig, J. Hunt, T (1984) Managing Public Relations, Thomson, US

Grunig, J. White, J (1992) Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, US

Theaker, A (2004) The Public Relations Handbook, 2nd Edition, Routledge, London

Websites used and further reading

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